Paypal have cancelled me.

Your subscription was cancelled by PayPal due to three payment failures. You will need to re-subscribe.


Please visit

Select payment plan


Then enter your payment details. (Credit/debit card or Paypal)

and click on CHECKOUT


You will find your VPN-username on the install page.

Initial VPN-password is the same as the account password.

You can change it by choosing Change VPN password option in Subscription overview.


Once the subscription has been created, please choose the adequate installation guide:

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  • 0

    This cant be right. If you have paid for a subscription at the beginning of the month then you should have access for that month.Where does it say in the T&Cs that you are cut off right away?

  • 0

    yeah this system kinda blows for service

  • 0

    Paypal tend to cancel your subscription if your credit/debit card expires. Obviously we can't gain access to your PayPal account to update this for you. Might be worth checking with PayPal that your method of payment is still active.


    As far as your Expat Network subscription goes, your account will remain active until your next payment is due. Once our systems try to take your next payment, and can't, your account is then cancelled and access to the VPN service stops. The only way to get this back is by subscribing again to the service with an active PayPal payment method.



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