How to copy and paste the connection log - PC and Mac

Windows O/S:
Double click the small StreamVPN icon in your system tray (usually the bottom right of your screen) to reveal the log, then select all log text (CTRL-a), copy (Ctrl-c) and paste (Ctrl-v) the complete log details into an email to us.


Mac O/S:

Click on the small StreamVPN icon on the top right of your screen and click on "VPN details" from the drop-down menu, then click on Log tab -> and click the button labeled “Copy Diagnostic info to Clipboard”. Paste the log file (Command-V) into an email to us.

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  • 0
    Peter Williams

    Here's what I'm getting:

  • 0

    hi support team

    My icon stays red and I can't connect. Please can you advise me. I've included the log below.  Thanks.

    Alex Newton


    *MyExpatNet: OS X 10.6.8; MyExpatNet 3.4beta23; Admin user

    "Sanitized" configuration file for /Applications/ Kingdom.tblk:


    MyExpatNetUK Client openvpn config file #



    dev tun

    proto udp


    resolv-retry 5

    remote 1194

    remote 1194

    remote 1194

    remote 1194

    remote 1194




    ns-cert-type server

    cipher BF-CBC

    keysize 56


    verb 4

    explicit-exit-notify 2

    redirect-gateway def1




    [Security-related line(s) omitted]



    [Security-related line(s) omitted]



    [Security-related line(s) omitted]


    Generated on Fri Jun 13 17:39:28 UTC 2014 by m1



    Cannot list unusual files in United Kingdom.tblk; not a private configuration


    Configuration preferences:

    autoConnect = 1

    -onSystemStart = 1

    -notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 1

    -keepConnected = 1

    -lastConnectionSucceeded = 0


    Wildcard preferences:

    -notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 1


    Program preferences:

    skipWarningAboutNoSignature = 1 (forced)

    notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 1 (forced)

    askedUserIfOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 0 (forced)

    tunnelblickVersionHistory = (



    showConnectedDurations = 1

    connectionWindowDisplayCriteria = showWhenConnecting

    maxLogDisplaySize = 102400

    keyboardShortcutIndex = 1

    updateCheckAutomatically = 0 (forced)

    NSWindow Frame ConnectingWindow = 445 463 389 187 0 0 1280 778

    detailsWindowFrameVersion = 3790

    detailsWindowFrame = {{260, 251}, {760, 468}}

    detailsWindowLeftFrame = {{0, 0}, {135, 350}}

    leftNavSelectedDisplayName = United Kingdom

    haveDealtWithSparkle1dot5b6 = 1

    haveDealtWithOldTunTapPreferences = 1

    SUEnableAutomaticChecks = 0

    SUFeedURL =

    SUHasLaunchedBefore = 1

    WebKitDefaultFontSize = 16

    WebKitStandardFont = Times


    MyExpatNet Log:

    2014-06-13 19:41:25 *MyExpatNet: OS X 10.6.8; MyExpatNet 3.4beta23

    2014-06-13 19:41:25 *MyExpatNet: Attempting connection with United Kingdom from Deploy; Set nameserver = 1; monitoring connection

    2014-06-13 19:41:25 *MyExpatNet: openvpnstart start United\ Kingdom.tblk 1337 1 0 2 0 305 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.2.1

    2014-06-13 19:41:25 *MyExpatNet: openvpnstart starting OpenVPN

    2014-06-13 19:41:37 *MyExpatNet: Connecting; notification window connect button pressed

    2014-06-13 19:42:37 *MyExpatNet: Disconnecting; VPN Details… window connect button pressed

    2014-06-13 19:48:09 *MyExpatNet: Disconnecting; 'Connect' (toggle) menu command invoked

    2014-06-13 19:48:11 *MyExpatNet: Connecting; notification window connect button pressed

    2014-06-15 23:55:46 *MyExpatNet: Disconnecting; VPN Details… window connect button pressed

    2014-06-16 00:07:02 *MyExpatNet: Disconnecting; 'Connect' (toggle) menu command invoked

    2014-06-16 00:07:07 *MyExpatNet: Connecting; notification window connect button pressed


    Console Log:

    2014-06-15 23:04:34 MyExpatNet[325] connect: while connecting

    2014-06-15 23:55:13 MyExpatNet[325] connect: while connecting

    2014-06-15 23:55:17 MyExpatNet[325] connect: while connecting

    2014-06-15 23:55:33 MyExpatNet[325] Using icon set 'TunnelBlick.TBMenuIcons' without Retina images

    2014-06-15 23:55:46 MyExpatNet[325] connect: while connecting

    2014-06-16 00:07:02 MyExpatNet[325] connect: while connecting

    2014-06-16 00:07:07 MyExpatNet[325] connect: while connecting

    2014-06-16 00:12:28 MyExpatNet[325] connect: while connecting

    2014-06-16 00:12:53 MyExpatNet[325] Using icon set 'TunnelBlick.TBMenuIcons' without Retina images


    Non-Apple kexts that are loaded:

    Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) <Linked Against>

    129 0 0x5962f000 0x6000 0x5000 net.tunnelblick.tun (1.0) <7 5 4 1>

    130 0 0x6d4ba000 0xd4000 0xd3000 com.vmware.kext.vmx86 (3.0.0) <11 5 4 3 1>

    131 0 0x5967b000 0xc000 0xb000 com.vmware.kext.vmci (3.0.0) <5 4 3 1>

    132 0 0x59697000 0x6000 0x5000 com.vmware.kext.vmioplug (3.0.0) <36 29 5 4 3 1>

    133 0 0x6d857000 0xa000 0x9000 com.vmware.kext.vmnet (3.0.0) <5 4 3 1>

    135 0 0x6e161000 0x2000 0x1000 com.slipstreamdata.kext.sdikext (1.0.0) <4 1>

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